Six little softies...

By PaisleyJade - Thursday, September 04, 2008

Yay - the six little bunny rabbits are finally finished... one already sold today! I think I would like to spend some time making more tote bags and attempting some skirts - I am all softied out.

Which one do you like (if any)... I like Huey (second from right).

Check them out in The Paisley Jade Softie Shop (here).

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  1. They are all gorgeous - i am also partial to Hughy although Carrie is a stunner!
    you are very clever at the softie thing!

  2. I like them all! You should make one with a kilt! :)

  3. carrie's by far the best but now foster, he's pretty kewl :)

  4. I'm with you on Huey but they are all gorgeous. Love their little faces.

  5. I think they're all very sweet!

  6. Aw I like them all. Each one has it's own little bunny story. I'm hanging out to get me a Kristy Tote Bag when you get going with those!


Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!