From time to time I really miss this little space of mine on the blogsphere, and although life is so much different to what it was when I was a regular blogger a few years ago, I still love knowing that in this space is a collection of amazing memories and loves, especially those about my little family (well, if you can call 4 kids a little family, especially when one is taller than his parents at 15 years old, and both (including a 12 year old) have feet bigger than their dad).
We recently put some of our older videos and dvd's together of when our children were young, and I was hit with how much they have grown, how things have changed, and the fact that I hardly bother to video my children any more! I want to make an effort to remember to record life occasionally, as it slips by so fast and before you know it, the little precious moments can be forgotten.
So I'm taking a moment in my evening to ponder, celebrate and record the happenings of late, things like:
The fact my kids love riding the bikes at Nan & Pop's house...
The fact that last year on my Mum's 60th birthday, both Symon & my Dad had big naps, then this year on her 61st, Symon fell asleep again!
I've been overwhelmed with washing lately while there has been lots of rain - but so thankful that we have clothes to wash (and no, I'm not getting angry and cutting up the clothes because I'm so sick of them hanging around the lounge)...
Loving the best/scariest car selfie ever (Symon's face depicts how he feels after 500 failed photo attempts)!
Love celebrating birthdays with the awesome people that we do life with, even if they all have beards...
Amazed at how our GIANT cat will find a lap to sit in, no matter how awkward it is or how much personal space he will invade...
Loving the fact that our kids have been learning to bake fresh Israeli bread at school recently - and that I've been given two loaves two weeks in a row! YUUUUUMMMMMMMM!
Finally, love that my husband survived his mini drama last week when we think he was bitten by a spider. A giant abcessy hole developed on his hand and two red lines started going up his arm. Freaky - but he's still alive a week later (and hopefully now has some spiderman-like qualities)...
And now that my list is done, I've realised what a strange list it was, but still, that's life lately and it's precious.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!!!
I haven't made a facial hair cake since my Dad's popular Mustache Cake, so had heaps of fun.
He loved it and had an awesome day. Check out his mega stach of birthday goodies from family and friends...
Love you heaps Symon! Thanks for being the bestest husband a girl could ever want, a fabulous Dad and friend. xoxo

For more delicious recipes, click here.
How did these cute we guys turn from this...
Into this?
Today is a public holiday (Queen's birthday weekend) so the perfect opportunity to send the younger kids off to Nana and Pops for the day and have a few guys around.
My boy is a total Lost TV series fanatic. He only recently started watching the programme (yes, he's about a decade behind the times) and loves the series.
While the guys were gaming in the lounge, Symon and I tried our best to make a Dharma Initiative shaped cake, and some crack up lost cupcake toppers.
They guys liked them (as far as I could tell) and we were pretty happy with our efforts.
I love my big boy heaps - Happy birthday for tomorrow!!