Favourite things...

By PaisleyJade - Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love looking back at my week, as no matter how busy or crazy it has been, there are always tonnes of things to be thankful for!  

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...

Notebook doodling...

Legal graffiti (especially when Miss 3 does her 'gangster poses' against it)...

Cheese & herb pinwheel scones...

Exploring the backyard with a 3 year old (and Barney our GIANT cat who always comes along for the adventure)...

Amazing Dad's who help their daughters with homework projects (and actually clean up all the splattered glue afterwards too)...

The many different surprises God places in the sky...

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  1. I love your post, especially Miss
    3's gorgeous pose. Thanks for the reminder that even the little things in our day are a reason to be thankful. Attitude readjusted. Thanks Cx

  2. beautiful post & I especially love the posing!
    every morning we walk through the skate park & we pass a graffiti wall & everytime I think I must come back to take some pics!
    I definitely will next time!!

  3. loving it :) yup kiki is cute alright

  4. warm fuzz. all of it. bring me some of those pin-wheels when you come to visit ok

  5. Love the ganster pose.

  6. Such sweet heart doodles...my favourite!

  7. Love the idea of exploring the backyard - how many of us actually do this? Might go for a little walk this weekend!

  8. Lovin that doodling!! I am such a doodler and have recently discovered my 9 year old is too... cute!. and the gangsta pose very cute.
    Wishing we had a backyard to explore :)

  9. Great post and a big high five to Daddy for helping his girl- that rocks.

  10. That girl is way too cute.
    Loving all of your very cool list.
    Made me laugh. And smile.
    And feel all warm and fuzzy cos I know how flippin amazing that back yard of your is.

  11. Lovely images and thoughts, I like your style!

  12. Anonymous7:21 am


  13. The sky IS full of awesome surprises - you are SO right! Last year I saw a rainbow AT NIGHT!! It took my breath away!!

    gorgeous list!

  14. We should all look for the things around us that we love and that make us happy. I am trying, trying, trying to have a POSITIVE attitude about whatever life throws my way.

  15. I ♥ your loves!
    What a glorious rainbow surprise!
    And mouthwatering scones...mmm

  16. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Love the post! I doodle just like that - little hearts all over everything!
    That graffiti is AMAZING! Woah!
    And those little...scone...things...they look DELICIOUS!


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