Granny Stripe Blanket FINISHED!!!

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Granny Stripe blanket is finished!!

Normally a blanket like this would take me ages to complete (the Giant Granny Square blanket took around 8 months!) but thanks to putting my back out after all of those "Crochet Menace high kicks" the other night, this one has only ended up taking a few weeks (started here).

Yes, I think my days of being in the family gang are rather limited, my body not having the flexibility it used to...

Anyway... a big thank you to Lucy from Attic24 for her granny stripe inspiration and edging.  Out of all the crochet queens online, her instructions are by far the easiest to follow!

And the biggest thank you to my amazing hubby for cooking dinner for the last two nights, bringing me home painkillers, chocolate, a magazine, praying for my back, hanging out the washing and putting up with having a granny wife who is living in her fluffy slippers and granny stripe blankey on the couch (while also somehow handling four wild children as well).

Love you babe!

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  1. The colors are fantastic. You did a wonderful job. Now what? Another blanket? How about hats for everyone?

  2. Wow, amazing colours- love it. Hope the back gets better quickly. Cx

  3. I love it! The colors make it so modern and hip!

  4. Oh my! This is wonderful...well done!

  5. love this - clever you - I am just starting my learning to crotchet journey - its rather addictive! all the best with your back doll -they are rather tricky things!

  6. Anonymous6:50 pm

    It is wonderful, the colours are so bright and happy. So sorry to hear about your back. I suffer with my back so I feel your pain. Hope it gets better soon. Loving the photo shoot, always looks like you have a lot of fun taking them :)

  7. you put your back out?
    hope you fell better soon

    neat blanket

  8. looks so cool!
    and sorry about your back! arrrggh it's something I do occasionally and it's awful aye! Hope you feel better very soon xo

  9. Well done, it's the funkiest granny blanket I've ever seen! Very cool and loving the photographs too! Enjoy rugging up in it :)

  10. Ouch! It seems like been laid up on the couch is on the agenda for a few of us this week. Love the blanket and big ups to hubbies who step up and do the mummy jobs. Hope your back is better soon

  11. Looks great, top job. Very impressed that you have it finished already.

  12. Oh its gorgeous. I love it.

  13. you're amazing!!
    and a big hoorah for awesome husbands :)

  14. I LOVE IT (I covet it...!)

  15. it looks fab and I love the colours you used. If I ever finish my granny square blanket a stripe one like this would be next on my list!

  16. so pretty! i like :)

  17. so fast! love the colours :-)!!

  18. looks great...mine is taking years!! i wish i had use thicker wool!!


    I'm going to have to do a course now. Tutorials are beyond me.

    Sorry about your back - pray it heals up quick!!xx

  20. Totally inspires me to learn, love the colours!

  21. Ooh, that is a fab blanket! I shall have to add one of them to my crochet to-do list. I haven't been brave enough to try anything that big yet though!

  22. u are incredibly blessed.

  23. Ellymay10:50 pm

    Wow!1 Paisley Jade you are a super Mum, where do you find the time!!

  24. What a beautiful blanket... I love the colours.
    Yay, for helpful hubbies... such a blessing. I pray your back gets better soon x

  25. Its huge! You must have seriously done your back in to get cracking through all that! Big sympathy hug!

  26. I love the look of your granny stripe!!

  27. Oh this is a Fabulous Granny Stripe! Love the colours :)

  28. It looks great! I've had back problems this week too. Not fun. I hope you're feeling better!

  29. Anonymous12:52 am i said crafting goddess!!!

    WV color!!!

  30. Anonymous1:41 am

    this is gorgeous!! love the modern colors :)

  31. yay it's done!! looks funky too :) get better soon k xo

  32. Oh, you're done. I'm a wee bit jealous as I'm still at it. I really love your color mix, just gorgeous. Hope your feeling better real soon. Thanks for the lovely comment on my loopy rose post:)

  33. OH MY Goodness! I'm new to your blog...........but soooo loving the blanket.

    You gonna look snazzy in your blankie ;-p

  34. Yay! It looks fabulous! I love the bright colors you used.

  35. Your granny stripe blanket is great, I love it. I hope the back gets better soon, so glad you're hubby is so sweet looking after you.:)

  36. Thank goodness for husbands, so we can get on with the crafty stuff! he hee. It looks fantastic! I can't believe you made it so quickly! I want to try out this pattern soon too. Hopefully the cooler nights stick around for awhile here so that I can crochet for longer.

  37. Loving the blanket!

  38. I just found your blog and am obsessed with your color choices...I may be stealing the black, pink and green theme to try out. I hope you don't mind but I used one of your pics and linked you up here:

  39. Just gorgeous, and I can relate as I am making a scrap afghan and I work on it a little and then put it down, but now I want to work on it more after seeing yours all done. Just fantastic!!! Do hop on over and visit my crochet blog and comment to win my crochet earrings .. Give Away

    I am your newest follower


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