Chocolate Fudge Squares

By PaisleyJade - Friday, November 13, 2009

My mum made these all the time while I was growing up... then she stopped making them and I forgot about them for awhile... until recently. Now she's got me making these for my kiddies and they are delicious!

Apart from the naughty factor of this recipe including ½ a pound of butter (I console myself with the fact that we each have a few pieces which makes it okay) it is so easy to make and leaves room for a variety of ingredients.

And check out my recipe link list on the right side of my blog... mmmmm!!!


Boil Together...
½lb butter
1 tablespoon golden syrup
1 cup sugar

Mix with...
2 cups sifted flour
2 tablespoons cocoa
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup coconut (or ricies, cornflakes, crushed weetbix etc)

Press into a shallow tin (sponge roll is best) and bake for approximately 20 minutes in a moderate oven.

Ice and cut while hot. Ice with chocolate icing (dash of peppermint essence is nice). Can sprinkle with coconut.

For more delicious recipes visit here.

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  1. Mmmm! Sounds really good! :)

  2. My friend makes something like this when we visit - Yummy. I loved your Zoo Hour post. I only have a two year old so its not so crazy - kind of looking forward to the madness though.

    I have awarded you a Kreativ Blogger Award. Please just pop over to my blog for details.

  3. Yummy!!! I cant wait to try making these!

  4. Oh those look yummy. I am going to try the recipe.

  5. OH how tempting!!!!

  6. YUM!!!! I'm a huge fan of grandmother used to make it all the time! I could never seem to stop at just one piece though!

  7. ohh I used to make that for our kids when they were young but had forgotten about it - hey thanks for the reminder! Great Blogsite!


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