Favourite things Friday

By PaisleyJade - Friday, March 20, 2009

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...

Our new puppy Narnia and her cheeky antics (she stole the dummy and wouldn't give it back!)...

Watching my girls do the thing I used to love to do... swinging round and round the clothesline.

Loving gifts given to me by Miss 4 (what on earth am I supposed to do with this one??)

New paisley fabric

Being invited to dine for free at the best restaurant in town (picnic styles)!

What things are you loving today?

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  1. Ha ha that reminds me of when I broke my nana's clothesline by swinging on it... she was not happy!

  2. I'm loving your blog! :)

  3. Ha ha a dog with a dummy, love it. Oh and thats gift is so precious.

  4. :) They're pretty cool favourite things... I reckon your favourite things can tell alot about you!

    Must mean you love your pets, and family!

    I, however, love teapots and material possessions ;) HAHAHA! I must do a post about my favourite girls one of these days!

  5. Anonymous10:40 pm

    Narnia sucking on a dummy is ridiculously cute!


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