How can I help?

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I have been shocked and saddened (along with everyone else) at the scope of the Victorian Bushfires (in Australia) and the injuries and tragic loss of so many lives.

You may be asking the same question I did... "How can I help" (especially being in another country). Here are some ways you can:

Give money
Even the smallest bit will make a difference. I have always loved the story in the Bible about the Good Samaritan... one person who passed by the injured man was too busy to help. It's great with modern technology that we can give online donations - hardly takes much time at all! Visit the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal if you are keen to make a donation (New Zealanders can visit here).

Give Softies
I really love what The Toy Society are doing! The Toy Society will be collecting handmade toys over the next couple of weeks to be donated to children impacted by the fires. Many families have nothing but the clothes on their backs. Please email if you're interested. I'm keen, and have already bundled up some softies ready for their big OE to Australia.

Can I please encourage you to keep these people in your prayers... the people who have lost loved ones, the ones who are injured, those who have lost their homes, and also the many emergency personnel who are giving their all in this crisis. Prayer is powerful.

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  1. Coolness Kristy! What an awesome offering. I am hoping for some time to sew up something too.

  2. The bushfire is heart wrenching! Yes, I shall stitch up a stuffie too!

  3. Apparantly just one of the fires they are experiencing is bigger than the size of the largest fire we have ever had in New Zealand. We really need to stop complaining so much about the heat we're having. Sure it's humid, but at least it isn't on fire.

  4. Anonymous11:06 am

    Thankyou very much for your thoughts and kindness. I am a Victorian living in Melbourne and this is a sadness for all of us. I too am devising ways to help in the short and long term. I am volunteering to man phones for the Red Cross as the people who have been working must be tired. I lost my grandmother through the heat in this period as many people lost loved ones. The devastation is vast and the people in the bush were the keepers of our history, our hearts and souls and memories. We must recognise this is about humanity and our habitat. I have recently been given the gift of two beautiful grandchildren and reflect on it all. Life is not about expediency it is history, creativity and what we add to the world, not take away.


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