The days are long...

By PaisleyJade - Friday, April 20, 2018

There's been a well used phrase going around for the last couple of years, often quoted to parents with young children... especially during those gruelling early years filled with sleepless nights, tears (both the children and the adults), tantrums and the chaos that comes with raising youngsters.

"The days are long but the years are short." 

Its one of those phrases that is so full of wisdom, but often holds no value to the sleep deprived parent holding a screaming baby... Until they look back a few years ahead and then it's a phrase worth it's weight in gold.

Tonight I found my youngest sprawled out on our living room couch browsing through the old photograph albums. I joined her and all the memories of those years with little ones came flooding back, the loudness, the tiredness, the adventures, those cute little squishy faces and the fun. 

I'm so glad I took so many photos (and actually bothered to print some out), and I'm so glad we tried to embrace the chaos and have a bit of fun despite those years being a lot of hard work!!

The days were so long (and sometimes painfully exhausting) but looking back now, the years truly have flown by.

Three out of our four children are now in their teens, and I can honestly say I am thoroughly enjoying the teenage years. These kids are so funny, gorgeous and have such sweet hearts... But I do miss their little mini toddler versions sometimes. Those little chubby hands and cheeks, the needing to be picked up (although I still do that a lot but with the car rather than my arms 😂)  and the excited squeals when mummy or daddy arrive home after being out for a few hours (like we've arrived home from a 3 month trip in Alaska).

So here's to those helpful (or not so helpful) little sayings that people often grace you with when you're up to your elbows in 'real life' - may we remember to embrace the phase or season of life we are in, whether we are young or old, married or single, have children or not... Each season has something little in it that is precious and I don't want to miss these moments for anything.

The days are long, but believe me when I say that the years are truly short.

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