

By PaisleyJade - Friday, December 09, 2016

So much has been happening lately, and because I've become a bit of a slack blogger the last few years, my posts every few days have turned into a major monthly post with a 'menagerie' of topics!  

Prepare yourself...

We've been busy dressing up...

Making, eating and drinking delicious things...

Enjoying our family...

Loving Boo...

Watching fireworks...

 Some of us have been napping...

 Some of us have been getting older... last year being a thirty year old!

Some of us have been getting our hair cut really really short without warning our mother...

Some of us have been letting off some crazy steam...

I've been loving so much lately...

It's been a month full of ups and downs but there is always so much to be thankful for.

For more Lately/Loving posts, visit here.

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